مجموعه عکسهای انتخابی هفته گذشته از وقایع دنیا
خانمها اول - در غروب دریای سیاه

Ladies First
Festival-goers take a dip in the Black Sea at sunset during the Kazantip beach party
Festival-goers take a dip in the Black Sea at sunset during the Kazantip beach party
با هم لبخند بزنید عکس بگیریم

Say Cheese
A 40-foot whale shark and a brave snorkler swim off the South African coast. Although its huge mouth is big enough to swallow a person whole, the whale shark prefers to feed on tiny plankton
سلام سگ آبی کوچولو

A seal pup raised at a seal research station in Norddeich, Germany pops its head out of a basket
کوهی که موسی ١٠ فرمان را از خدا گرفت

Visitors watch the sunrise from Egypt's Mount Moses, where Moses is said to have received the Ten Commandments
Visitors watch the sunrise from Egypt's Mount Moses, where Moses is said to have received the Ten Commandments
هلیکوپتر را از رودخانه نیویورک بیرون آوردند

انتقام دایناسورها

Revenge of the Dinosaurs
Robosaurus the Robot performs at the International Airshow at the Salinas Municipal Airport in California
شش تا بچه قو زیر بال مادرشون

All Aboard
A doting mother swan takes her brood of six under her wing at Bicton Park Botanical Gardens, in Devon, England
آماده برای بلند شدن

Ready for Lift Off
The space shuttle Discovery prepares to launch at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida
کامیون از سال پیش که زلزله آمد، اینجا خاک میخوره

Close One
A truck dangles off the destroyed Chediguan Bridge near the epicenter of last year's May 12th earthquake in Wenchuan County, China
هر دو زیر آفتاب کیف میکنند

انتقام دایناسورها

Revenge of the Dinosaurs
Robosaurus the Robot performs at the International Airshow at the Salinas Municipal Airport in California
شش تا بچه قو زیر بال مادرشون

All Aboard
A doting mother swan takes her brood of six under her wing at Bicton Park Botanical Gardens, in Devon, England
آماده برای بلند شدن

Ready for Lift Off
The space shuttle Discovery prepares to launch at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida
کامیون از سال پیش که زلزله آمد، اینجا خاک میخوره

Close One
A truck dangles off the destroyed Chediguan Bridge near the epicenter of last year's May 12th earthquake in Wenchuan County, China
هر دو زیر آفتاب کیف میکنند

Just Your Average Day in the Park
A sunbather and an elephant enjoy the sunshine in Frankfurt, Germany
A sunbather and an elephant enjoy the sunshine in Frankfurt, Germany